Leadership Lessons for All Time
Photo: A winter landscape shows black shadowed hills against a pale blue sky streaked with low-lying rose and lavender clouds. Taken from a high vantage point, tree branches provide balance and perspective on the buildings below. And the snow - oh, the blankets of snow! Note: While visiting our son josh and his spouse last weekend in Seattle, josh and I started talking about an article he was writing on resilience and reinvention and we talked about a college professor from whom I'd learned much about leadership. That got me thinking of Professor Campbell and I remembered that I'd written about him once in my book of essays called Tea and Simplicity. It is out of print now, but you can have this one for free! It has been edited slightly from the original. I believe it is a teacher’s greatest contribution and highest reward to be remembered long after the lessons are past. A college professor of mine passed away on July 4th, a few years ago. I should really say “the” college...