Our Magical Mystery Tour

    Geni has dubbed our travels during the past two weeks a 'Magical Mystery Tour' - that's definitely taken us all away with the sights, sounds and tastes of a new land and it's people
   Today, as we sat in front of a local grocery, mooching off their free WiFi, we ran into a local friend of Geni and Steve's - Neil, who is American and has traveled extensively. He once toured much of South East Asia, he told us, for the two and a half years he spent surfing with his son. We talked about how special travel is, and how much we despise the state of politics back home in the states.
    Among our accomplishments here in El Valle is that the staff of local restaurant are beginning to recognize us. For two days in a row, we had lunch at the Peruvian place because that chef - wearing his white uniform and toque hat - makes the best fried fish we've ever had. Tonight, we dined on BBQ ribs, chicken wings alitas fritas and ceviche.
    This afternoon, our visit to the butterfly gardens was enchanted. Being surrounded by these magical creatures was a special treat. While we walked the butterfly garden, rain fell while the sun shone full blast. When we told one of the museum guides that we found it interesting that the Very Hungry Caterpillar book was on display there and that it was one of our grandson's favorites, he reached into a small metal box and gifted us a wing from a beautiful Blue Morpho butterfly to give to him!
    At every turn, Panamá has both surprised and enchanted us. We are very glad to have had this amazing opportunity for a Magical Mystery Tour we'll never forget.

Restaurante El Camino del Inca

Blue Morpho at Butterfly Haven

Another Buho butterfly


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